
Poetica Victorian has moved to a new website at

This page will soon become the new blog site for Poetica Victorian. Please visit out new website for all other needs.


Welcome to Poetica Victorian,

It is my pleasure as editor of this great journal to welcome you to our humble website. We hope that you will look deeper into our magazine, perhaps you might even consider subscribing or submitting your work to us. Our journal is a non-profit organization looking only to spread a message: that the poetry of old is still beautiful for contemporary times. I, and many of our staff members, work tirelessly on this journal for nothing more than the satisfaction that we are helping to restore an art which has all but disappeared from modern literature.

It is for this reason that at this time our journal is completely FREE for all those who seek to come and read our words. All we ask in return is that you pass on our message. Go buy a book of Tennyson's greatest poems or delve deep into the works of the Bronte sisters, or open a volume of the works of Edgar Allan Poe. We ask that you tell everyone about our journal so that they too may hear our message.

We have personally seen hundreds of poems which have been written in contemporary times but seem as though they were written back when Wordsworth sat down to scratch away with feather and parchment some of the greatest poems to ever to be born into the literary world.We have read the poems of scores of poets who seek to emulate the great works of old. We publish those poems because of their august beauty and their gentle nature.

So come and read and be merry, enjoy these great works and hear our message. You will lose nothing but you will gain a revelation into the deepest soul of the purpose of poetry.

I once again welcome you to our humble journal and thank you for your time and devotion to our message.

Brandon Berman
Editor In-Chief
Poetica Victorian: A Journal of Victorian and Classical Poetry